ES / CA / EN

happy 2019


Llegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Español

Following the tradition to welcome the New Year, here you have a story, this time collected by Penninah Schram, an awesome storyteller I have recently discovered, who has devoted her life in telling stories and folktales, songs and proverbs from the Jewish tradition. The story that I have chosen, that of course includes a tree, comes from the Talmud (Ta’anit 23a) and she used to listen that story from her mother, who also used to listen it from her father… Let’s leave the story follow its travel through time, and us along with it:

There are many stories about Honi ha-Ma’agel, the Circle Maker, a wise man who was specially talented to attract rain. In times of drought, Honi draw a circle on the earth, stepped inside it and after some special prayers, or even arguing with God, as he liked to talk with God directly, the rain always came. Honi also loved to go for a walk and discover the world and its wonders. One day he was going for a walk and he saw a man planting a carob tree. Honi stopped and asked the man how many years would it take for this tree to bear fruit, as he knew that carob trees grow very slow. The man answered peacefully:
―Seventy years.
And do you think you will live another seventy years and eat the fruit of this tree?
Perhaps not. However, when I was born into this world, I found many carob trees planted by my father, my grandfather and those before them. Just as they planted trees for me, I am planting trees for my children, grandchildren and those who will come after them, so they will be able to eat the fruit of these trees and enjoy their shadow.

I hope you a happy and leafy new year 2019!

December stories


Llegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Castellano

The Cherokee people say that once upon a time a sparrow with a wounded wing couldn’t follow his family flying to the south and had to spend the winter in the freezing forest. The little sparrow asked for shelter to many trees, and all of them rejected him, except the pine tree, who said: “I don’t know if my leaves will do you much good, they are as thin as needles, but it is all I can offer you”. Thanks to the pine tree, the sparrow survived the cold winter, and since then, all trees lose their leaves when winter arrives, except this tree with thin leaves and generous heart.

Mad of pinewood is also the travelling kamishibai who shelters from bad weather bimbirimboo’s illustrations. You will see it the next 28th December at the presentation at Calmot Bookshop in Girona. You can also find the stories at different bookshops from Barcelona, like Casa Anita and Llibreria Al·lots. And if it is too far for you, you can also buy them through tictail, or you can order them to me personally.

I would also like to wish you very a peaceful festive season full of stories!

Friday 28th December, 12h
presentation of bimbirimboo’s collection
and storytelling sample of kamishibai stories
in Catalan (+4 years)
storytelling: Susana Tornero
illustration: Maribel Tornero
Llibreria Calmot
C/ de les Hortes, 4

november updates


I have two updates for the November agenda. The first one is that in spite of the rain we enjoyed the storytelling tour last 31st October; in fact the demand was so great that another tour has been programmed for next Wednesday.

And the second one is that the leaf fall has officially arrived to my street, and bimbirimboo as well. I already begun to bring them around last Sunday, but I had not time to tell you until now, because the translation of the new Yuval Zommer’s illustrated book about birds, and the leaves I can see falling from my window in intricate choreographies to get my attention have filled all my free time.

I have also received some unexpected visits: some days ago, a collared dove on my clothesline, and yesterday a seagull at the balcony in front of my studio. They seem to know that my current translation concerns them.

So you can already buy the bimbirimboo books through the website or after the storytelling sessions, for instance next Wednesday afternoon, at Montserrat Abello’s Library. Have a nice week!

Wednesday 14th November at 11h
what the stones say
tour of stories, legends and songs
from old Barcelona
for young and adult audiences
limited places, previous registration:
meeting point: stairs of the cathedral
organized by: Espai Avinyó
metro: Urquinaona (L4)
bus: V15, H8, 45, 7

Wednesday 14th November at 18h
bimbirimboies! stories with kamishibai
folktales (+4 years)
free entrance – limited seats
Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló
C/ Comtes de Bell-lloc, 192-200
Barcelona 08014
metro: Plaça del Centre (L3)
bus: 54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10, V5, V7

November stories


Llegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Castellano

From the moment my sister Maribel, pharmacist by profession and painter by choice, said: «Do you want me to draw you some folktales?» to the picture illustrating this entry, many things have happened, a bit as if we were on a cumulative tale.

The show bimbirimboies! is composed by three folktales from different cultures that I have told a lot, enriched with other variants and shaped by listeners over time. Maribel reflected with her drawings her own perspective of the stories and then, due to life circumstances, this illustrations snoozed into a drawer until they revived as kamishibai pictures. Finally they have arrived to the written format under the name of bimbirimboo: stories from far away for being read close-up.

The process has been more complex than we both imagined. This last weeks the archives have done a lot of travelling; suddenly there were lots of decisions to be taken, like typography, paper type, picture details, text layout, last-minute proofreading… It has helped me to understand a bit more the publishing process, which since now I had only observed from the translator’s perspective. I have also to thank many good friends for helping me in lots of details, from proofreading changes to choosing a good paper, and even for the double «o» of bimbirimboo.

In the picture you can see how the covers of the three folktales would look like. Maybe on the 4th November at the Viladecans Museum they will be already available, maybe not. This is like giving birth: we don’t know the exact date, but it will be really soon. But I can assure you that in all November performances you will be able to enjoy the and have the opportunity to spend a good time together.

bimbirimboies! stories with kamishibai
folktales (+4 years)
free entrance – limited seats

Sunday 4th November at 12h
Viladecans Museum (Museucontes)
C/ de les Sitges, 3
08840 Viladecans (Barcelona)

Wednesday 7th November at 17:30h
Fort Pienc Library
Plaza Fort Pienc, 4
08013 Barcelona

Thursday 8th November at 17:30h
Mercè Rodoreda Library
Avinguda de Fanals, 13
17250 – Platja d’Aro (Girona)

October stories


Llegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Castellano

The cycle is renewed: leaves are falling once again… and I travel once again through libraries with my kamishibai full of bimbirimboies, this time at Collserola’s Library, with some news that I must thank to Clara’s inspiration, a little girl that last spring interrupted abruptly the story for asking with eagerness: «This stories are HERE, in this library?» That day I had to answer no, but soon, very soon indeed, Clara and anyone who wants it will be able to buy the three stories of that show, illustrated by Maribel Tornero, in a simple and affordable format.

If you want to discover the mysteries of the trees surrounding Ramon d’Àlòs-Moner Library, don’t hesitate to sign up for the probably last workshop secret maps of Barcelona trees of the year, as this is a seasonal product, only served in spring, summer and autumn. It will take place on the 11th, in a single session of 1 hour and a half, within the framework of the intercultural week of the district.

This month I will also visit the library of Castelló d’Empúries, a village from my region, two times: first the evening of the 19th, as a guest of the reading club, to recite, or rather “re-sing” some poems of Carles Fages de Climent which inspired my new show of folktales, poems and music the night of spider feet. And later, on the afternoon of the 24th, I will be there back again with a bunch of magic and mythic creatures which will be delighted to enjoy the tramuntana fresh air.

And if you want to finish the month discovering what the stones say about folktales and legends shared by the different cultures that have shaped Barcelona’s old town, don’t miss our meeting the 31st at 11am down the stairs of the cathedral.

Wednesday 10th October at 17:30h
bimbirimboies! stories with kamishibai
folktales (+4 years)
free entrance
Library Collserola – Josep Miracle
C/ dels Reis Catòlics, 16
fgc: Peu Funicular + Vallvidrera superior
bus: 111, 118

Tuesday 11st October at 17:30h
secret maps of Barcelona trees
workshop for families with children (+7 years)
limited places, previous registration
Library Ramon d’Alòs-Moner
Rambla de Prim, 87-89
metro: Besòs Mar (L4)
bus: 36, 43, 141
registration: / 932564929

Friday 19th October at 19:30h
reading club Catalan classics:
Les bruixes de Llers (The Witches of Llers)
club directed by Anna Perera
with recited poems by Susana Tornero
Wednesday 24th October at 17h
beyond the tramuntana
stories of magic and mythic creatures
from Mediterranean and beyond (+4 years)
free entrance
Library Ramon Bordas Estragués
Plaça de les monges, 2
17486 – Castelló d’Empúries

31st October at 11h
what the stones say
tour of stories, legends and songs
from old Barcelona
for young and adult audiences
limited places, previous registration
meeting point: stairs of the cathedral
organized by: Espai Avinyó
free registration here
metro: Urquinaona (L4)
bus: V15, H8, 45, 7


september stories


After spending the summer telling stories under the trees that surround Barcelona’s libraries with families from each district, I begin September with high stores of vitamin N and with the batteries fully charged. Fair enough, because the month begins full of action.

On the 11th of September evening I will tell with my kamishibai at Catalan Books Week. If you have still not seen a kamishibai close-up and/or you don’t know what the bimbirimboies are, this is a good occasion to find out.

On the 19th September afternoon, African folktales at Just M. Casero Library from Girona following the rhythm of kulungu kulungu.

Ant on the 22nd September in the morning we have a very special date. I will be welcoming you at Carles Fages de Climent Library from Figueres with a storytelling performance of stories full of mistery, accompanied by poems of Carles Fages de Climent and kokle’s music. For brave children of up to 7 years only.

11th September at 19h
bimbirimboies! stories with kamishibai
folktales (+4 years) in Catalan
free entrance
36th Catalan Books Week
Avda. de la catedral, s/n

19th September at 17:30h
kulungu kulungu – folktales, sounds and songs from Africa
folktales (+4 years) in Catalan
free entrance
Just M. Casero Library
C/ de l’Om 1

22nd September at 11h
the night of spider feet
folktales (+7 years) in Catalan
free entrance
Carles Fages de Climent Library
Plaça del Sol, 11


Kulimatji for Kapilolo Mahongo


The storytelling jam session of the 3rd September at Olokuti’s Yard will be a very special occasion, as we want to dedicate it to Kapilolo Mahongo, storyteller and spiritual leader of the !xun people, who passed away the last May.

We would like to remember him and pay tribute to him in the best way we know: gathering and telling “kulimatji”, which means “our stories”; those stories that we shared with Kapilolo. And the stars lined up for us to gather, as we will enjoy the presence of Helena Cuesta, Ignasi Potrony, José Manuel de Prada-Samper, Marisol Cumare and myself. We would be delighted to see you there. Your presence and the magic atmosphere in Olokuti’s yard will be the most auspicious here and now to remember Kapilolo and listen to his stories.

Storytelling jam session at Olokuti’s Yard
3rd September at 19h.
Free entrance – limited seats

Language: Spanish/Catalan
Activity subject to weather conditions

C/ Astúries, 36
Metro: Fontana
Bus: 114, 39, 22, 24, V17

Storytelling Jam at Olokuti’s Yard


Stories at Olokuti’s yard are back.
Three only jam sessions with 2, 3 or 4 storytellers.
For young and adult audience.

Storytelling Jam session at Olokuti’s yard
30th July, 27th August and 3rd September at 19h.
Free entrance – limited seats
Activity subject to weather conditions

C/ Astúries, 36
Metro: Fontana
Bus: 114, 39, 22, 24, V17

Helena Cuesta, storyteller, cultural facilitator and tourist guide. She tells what she dreams, reads or hears. Lives and shares art and culture.

Marisol Cumare, born in Venezuela (Caracas), lives in Barcelona, where she combines storytelling and architecture. She loves stories, myths and legends from indigenous peoples from her land of origin.

Sarah Nichols, born and educated in Paris at a multilingual home (French mother from Rhodesia and Welsh father from Patagonia) is harpist and storyteller. Her unusual international root nourishes her with exciting stories to tell.

Susana Tornero, translator and storyteller. Tells stories from her tradition and from the rest of the world. She accompanies it with chants, rhythms and gestures from different cultures. She promotes linguistic and cultural diversity.

secret maps of Barcelona trees


Today summer begins and if it wasn’t because the shadow that offer us our biggest brothers, the trees, walk through the city would be really hard. But what do we know about the trees that surround us? And what they say about them folktales, myths and legends from around the world?

If you want to know them a bit more, I invite you to discover them together with the workshop “secret maps of Barcelona trees”, visiting the trees that surround our libraries. Hurry up and register, places are limited!

secret maps of Barcelona trees
workshop for families with kids (7-12 years)
2 sessions of 1 hour in non consecutive days
free entrance with previous registration (limited places)

Monday 2nd and Monday 9th of July at 18h
Biblioteca Camp de l’Arpa-Caterina Albert
C/ Indústria, 295
metro: Camp de l’Arpa (L5)
bus: 19, 20, 45, 47, 50, 51, 117, 192, H8
registration: / 93 450 86 46

Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th of July at 18h
Biblioteca Sant Martí de Provençals
C/ Selva de Mar, 215 (Cultural Centre)
metro: Bac de Roda (L2)
bus: 33, 40, 42, 43, 44, 56, 60, 71, H12
registration: / 93 256 57 75

Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th August at 18h
Biblioteca Vapor Vell
Ptge. Vapor Vell, s/n
metro: Plaça de Sants (L1, L5)
bus: 50, 115, D20
registration: / 93 409 72 31

at the beginning of time


At the beginning of time, the first human beings asked themselves questions, and some of their answers have reached us in the shape of myths and folktales.

Next Sunday, at the Science Festival, we will listen stories from different peoples and cultures of the world where ecology, sustainability and biodiversity is very present, as it already existed long before occidental civilization put a name on it. Exactly at the beginning of time, as the ancient people will say.

12th Science Festival (see all programme here)
Sunday, 10th June
At the beginning of all times
Time: 16:15h, 16:50h and 17:25h
(20-minute performances)
Folktales (+7 years) in Catalan
Free entrance
Ciutadella Parc
Library (in front of the umbraculum)
Passeig Picasso 21
Metro/Train: Arc de Triomf
Bus: H16, H14
Tram: T4