november updates
10/11/2018 - blogI have two updates for the November agenda. The first one is that in spite of the rain we enjoyed the storytelling tour last 31st October; in fact the demand was so great that another tour has been programmed for next Wednesday.
And the second one is that the leaf fall has officially arrived to my street, and bimbirimboo as well. I already begun to bring them around last Sunday, but I had not time to tell you until now, because the translation of the new Yuval Zommer’s illustrated book about birds, and the leaves I can see falling from my window in intricate choreographies to get my attention have filled all my free time.
I have also received some unexpected visits: some days ago, a collared dove on my clothesline, and yesterday a seagull at the balcony in front of my studio. They seem to know that my current translation concerns them.
So you can already buy the bimbirimboo books through the website or after the storytelling sessions, for instance next Wednesday afternoon, at Montserrat Abello’s Library. Have a nice week!
Wednesday 14th November at 11h
what the stones say
tour of stories, legends and songs
from old Barcelona
for young and adult audiences
limited places, previous registration:
meeting point: stairs of the cathedral
organized by: Espai Avinyó
metro: Urquinaona (L4)
bus: V15, H8, 45, 7
Wednesday 14th November at 18h
bimbirimboies! stories with kamishibai
folktales (+4 years)
free entrance – limited seats
Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló
C/ Comtes de Bell-lloc, 192-200
Barcelona 08014
metro: Plaça del Centre (L3)
bus: 54, 59, 66, 78, H8, H10, V5, V7
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