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Night of Words

08/09/2015 - blog
Mi sabir un favola.
Vos autros querir sentir?
Still with the warmth of the good reception of the story “Zuppa da pietra” told in Sabir in the 13th Kea Folktale Festival (Greece), the land and sea ship heads to Molins de Rei. We are invited to the local festival, that will be very soon, so we will disembark in their library, with a shipment of music and stories.
Si ti querir, venir…Sabir, sabir
Folktales and music from the Mediterranean and beyond
Storytelling: Susana Tornero
Music: Yerko Fuenzalida
Tuesday 22th September at 20h
Storytelling session for adult and young public in Catalan and Sabir
Night of Words
Pau Vila Library
Pl. de Josep Tarradellas, 1
Molins de Rei

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