November stories
25/10/2018 - blogLlegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Castellano
From the moment my sister Maribel, pharmacist by profession and painter by choice, said: «Do you want me to draw you some folktales?» to the picture illustrating this entry, many things have happened, a bit as if we were on a cumulative tale.
The show bimbirimboies! is composed by three folktales from different cultures that I have told a lot, enriched with other variants and shaped by listeners over time. Maribel reflected with her drawings her own perspective of the stories and then, due to life circumstances, this illustrations snoozed into a drawer until they revived as kamishibai pictures. Finally they have arrived to the written format under the name of bimbirimboo: stories from far away for being read close-up.
The process has been more complex than we both imagined. This last weeks the archives have done a lot of travelling; suddenly there were lots of decisions to be taken, like typography, paper type, picture details, text layout, last-minute proofreading… It has helped me to understand a bit more the publishing process, which since now I had only observed from the translator’s perspective. I have also to thank many good friends for helping me in lots of details, from proofreading changes to choosing a good paper, and even for the double «o» of bimbirimboo.
In the picture you can see how the covers of the three folktales would look like. Maybe on the 4th November at the Viladecans Museum they will be already available, maybe not. This is like giving birth: we don’t know the exact date, but it will be really soon. But I can assure you that in all November performances you will be able to enjoy the and have the opportunity to spend a good time together.
bimbirimboies! stories with kamishibai
folktales (+4 years)
free entrance – limited seats
Sunday 4th November at 12h
Viladecans Museum (Museucontes)
C/ de les Sitges, 3
08840 Viladecans (Barcelona)
Wednesday 7th November at 17:30h
Fort Pienc Library
Plaza Fort Pienc, 4
08013 Barcelona
Thursday 8th November at 17:30h
Mercè Rodoreda Library
Avinguda de Fanals, 13
17250 – Platja d’Aro (Girona)
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