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october stories

16/10/2019 - blog

Llegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Castellano

I have been a bit missing from this blog lately. It has been a difficult time. Time to say goodbye to beloved friends, time to let go, time to take care of others or of myself. Also time to study, to learn to sow, and above all, to wait. And this waiting has bore fruit, namely, in the form of a squash. Thanks to the seed I sow at the beginning of the environmental education’s course, the squash you can see in the image was born, and it gave 46 whole seeds more: a bunch of possibilities of new life.

As it happens to me quite frequently, I arrived there because of stories, or better said, because of the questions people posed me after telling stories about trees, questions I didn’t felt competent to answer. It has been an intense course, learnt al lot from teachers as well as from classmates, and although I have found some answers, my list of questions is getting longer, because environmental education is an ongoing evaluation subject, a lifetime task.

Becoming aware of the seriousness of the climatic emergency situation all of us are provoking has been hard. But I have also been encouraged by knowing about so many little people making little things that are adding more than what it seems, people who finds ways of agreement for growing seeds in a discreetly and simple manner, until they give birth to new green sprouts. Like a group of people from the Gràcia district, who have managed to save the life of a holm oak from a certain death, and whom next Sunday I will share stories… Well, with them and of course with anyone who would like to join. If you want to come to that performance, or to any or the October performances, you cannot it down.

20th October at 12h
Stories about trees
Autumn Festival
Organized by: Salvem l’alzina (Let’s save the holm oak)
C/ Manrique de Lara (Under the holm oak)
Metro: Joanic (L4), Fontana (L3)
Bus: 39, 116

23rd October at 17h
The travelling pumpkin
Stories, gestures and sounds of Asia
duration: 45′
Ramon Bordas Estragués’ Library
Plaça de les Monges, 2
17486 Castelló d’Empúries

26th October at 11:45h
Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon
retelling in Kamishibai of Torben Kuhlmann’s illustrated book
duration: 30′
Science Festival
Ciutadella Park
Espace 15: Stage Apollo 11
Passeig Picasso 21
Metro/Train: Arc de Triomf
Bus: H16, H14
Tramway: T4

27th October at 11:40h
Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon
retelling in Kamishibai of Torben Kuhlmann‘s illustrated book
duration: 30’
Science Festival
Ciutadella Park
Espace 15: Stage Apollo 11
Passeig Picasso 21
Metro/Train: Arc de Triomf
Bus: H16, H14
Tramway: T4

27th October at 12:40h
Arboretumtum: trees and folktales
duration: 30′
Science Festival
Ciutadella Park
Space 13: Tours
Passeig Picasso 21
Metro/Train: Arc de Triomf
Bus: H16, H14
Tramway: T4


One response to “october stories”

  1. María Cristina says:

    Qué bonito relato! y qué real la toma de conciencia de la emergencia climática…
    Con todo, vence la esperanza!

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