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03/04/2018 - blog

Bimbirimboies arouse curiosity and whet your appetite: they told me that recently at Clarà Library, where many families left the session repeating this word, savouring it in their mouths. It is one of this words that you would like to say aloud and let it dissolve in the distance. Now they are approaching the Besòs district, so be attentive to the cry of «bimbirimboies!» bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years, free entrance Friday 13th April at 18h Ramon d’Alòs Moner Library Rambla de Prim, ...

Festival of Storytelling in 8 languages
28/03/2018 - blog

Languages live in me in a happy hodgepodge. Sometimes it is hard to remember in which language I spoke, felt, dreamt… It may seem complicated, but I don’t see it as a problem, but as a celebration. And celebrations are much better together: next week I am going to Belfast to participate at the Festival of Storytelling in 8 Languages, in the frame of a research project at Queens’ University of Belfast. On Friday, at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum (Cultra) 5 bilingual storytellers will tell in our own languages in front of an audience willing to ...

Storytelling Jam Session
25/03/2018 - blog

If you are in Barcelona, this last Tuesday of March we also have storytelling jam session. Last month we had the privilege of listening Ignasi Potrony who was spending some days in Barcelona. Who knows which new surprises will bring us the next meeting? I can tell you that I will take with me a Latvian guest. So if you want to join the Homo Narrans tribe, see you at La Rubia. Tuesday 27th March 20-21:30h Multilingual Storytelling Jam Session La Rubia C/ Ferlandina, 29 MACBA Square Barcelona 08001 Metro: Universitat (L1) Bus: H16, 55

Travelling with Carles Fages de Climent
11/03/2018 - blog

The more I deepen in the work of the poet Carles Fages de Climent, the more synchronicities I discover. Lately he made me travel to the forest of my infancy through one of his poems: you can read a little article I wrote about it here (in Catalan). Next Wednesday I propose you a new trip: a storytelling session inspired and accompanied by the poems and landscapes of Carles Fages de Climent. And the Latvian kokle also will join the party, so there will be stories, music, poems… and a mystery to be solved. Wednesday 14th March from 20 to 21h Ballad of the enchanted ...

05/03/2018 - blog

Netxt 8th May, International Women’s Day, due to the international strike, we won’t tell stories in Barcelona’s libraries. That is why the bimbirimboies will arrive a week later to Vilapicina. But good things are worth waiting for… Thanks for your patience! bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years Thursday 15th March at 18h Vilapicina – La Torre Llobeta Library Pl. Carmen Laforet, 11 Barcelona 08016 Metro: Maragall (L4, L5) Bus: 11, 19, 26, 32, 34, 45, 47, 50, 51, V27, H6, ...

The Never Ending Tree
02/03/2018 - blog

Some years ago, in a trip to Latvia, a woman told me that when she had visited our land, she was surprised that many people did not know the name of the trees. When she asked: «Which tree is this?», they simply answered: «I don’t know, it’s a tree». In Latvian culture, deeply rooted in nature and seasonal cycles (the first time I travelled there, just after getting off the plane they offered me birch water, to prepare the body for spring arrival), this fact was fairly surprising. The truth is that I had never seen it from this light. I have always ...

folktales at Vilapicina neighbourhood
24/02/2018 - blog

Bimbirimboies come in a noisy cellophane bag, like candies. But they are not candies. And they have different colours, but I bet you they have no colouring, no preservatives, no sugar, are gluten-free and lactose-free. No additives as well. You can add them later, if you want. They will come to the neighbourhood of Vilapicina very soon, so be attentive to the cry of «bimbirimboies!» bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years Thursday 8th March at 18h Vilapicina – La Torre Llobeta Library Pl. Carmen ...

a little snack of languages and stories
21/02/2018 - blog

The laboratory of multilingual storytelling )babel( 0.1 made us hungry of new things. Next Wednesday, 4 storytellers: Agnès Agboton (Gun and French), Yoshi Hioki (Japanese), Catherine Favret (French) and myself (Spanish and Catalan), we will tell in pairs or in groups stories in different languages. A creative and collaborative work in a particular «creative translation» applied to storytelling, followed by an informal chat about the making off of the performance. a little snack of languages and stories Wednesday 28th February, at 13h Faculty of Translation and ...

storytelling jam session
20/02/2018 - blog

The previous jam was glorious, with abundance in good wine and good stories, folktales of many kinds that made us travel from East to West and back again. Next Tuesday we will gather again a tribe of Homo Narrans thirsty of stories, willing to close the circle of stories. And we may have the visit of a surprise guest. If you are in the mood for stories, see you at La Rubia. Multilingual Storytelling Jam Session Tuesday 30th January 20-21:30h La Rubia C/ Ferlandina, 29 Plaza del MACBA Barcelona 08001 Metro: Universitat (L1) Bus: H16, 55, 120

more than a suitcase
14/02/2018 - blog

Next week I will tell stories with a kamishibai, this new wooden companion that comes along with me from time to time to tell together. And maybe this time we won’t go to Japan, but we may travel to China, or even to a Caribbean island, with our imagination. And after the stories, there will be bimbirimboies for all. bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years Friday 23rd February at 18h Clarà Library C/ del Doctor Carulla, 22-24 Barcelona 08017 Bus: 55, H16 FGC: Les Tres Torres (L6), Sarrià (S1, S2, S7)