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folktales with kamishibai
31/01/2018 - blog

Next week I will tell stories with a kamishibai, this new wooden companion that comes along with me from time to time to tell together. And maybe this time we won’t go to Japan, but we may travel to China, or even to a Caribbean island, with our imagination. And after the stories, there will be bimbirimboies for all. bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years Thursday 8th February at 18h Joan Miró Library C/ de Vilamarí, 61 Barcelona 08015 Bus: 50, H12, 55 Metro: Plaça Espanya (L1), Tarragona (L3)

seasonal products
29/01/2018 - blog

No, we have not run out of it. February is also a good season for taste fresh and local bimbirimboies as well as to travel to faraway lands with the kamishibai.  If you still don’t know what bimbirimboies (or kamishibai) are, don’t wait for people to tell you about it… bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years Thursday 1st February at 18h Zona Nord Library C/ Vallcivera, 3 bis Barcelona 08033 Tren: Torre Baró Ciutat Meridiana (R3, R4)

Storytelling Jam Session
- blog

They say we are Homo Narrans, and telling and listening to stories is as necessary to us as eating or breathing. If you feel you didn’t covered your weekly needs of stories, you can solve it easily: come and join us at La Rubia. There will be stories and people willing to tell and listen and tell again… Tuesday 30th January 20-21:30h Multilingual Storytelling Jam Session La Rubia C/ Ferlandina, 29 Plaza del MACBA Barcelona 08001

08/01/2018 - blog

4 years on. Four years that the Viladecans Storytelling Festival is going on, thanks to the effort and enthusiasm of a community of story lovers who have helped the seed of storytelling to grow and bear fruit. Next Thursday 18th January I will be there, enjoying the meeting, listening to other voices, and telling some folktales and myths from our tallest brothers, the trees. If you want to join us, see the program further down. Narracans Imma Pugés Somolinos’ Memorial 4th Viladecans Storytelling Festival Thursday 18th January Viladecans’ Library ...

Happy 2018
30/12/2017 - blog

Following a tradition initiated 8 years ago, here is the first story of 2018, with my best wishes for everyone. It is a beautiful myth told by the Lacandon spiritual leader Chan’Kin Viejo, and collected by Ignacio Abella in El gran árbol de la humanidad – Leyendas y arte primitivo sobre los árboles en la creación del mundo, a wonderful book that brings us closer to our tallest brothers, the trees. Hachakyum was the first God to came down to the earth to create the world.(…) The first he did was the Sky and the stars. The Earth was dark. He did the ...

more bimbirimboies
13/12/2017 - blog

Next week I will tell stories with a kamishibai, this new wooden companion that comes along with me from time to time to tell together. We will travel to distant regions, and after the stories there will be bimbirimboies for all. And if you still don’t know what bimbirimboies are, it is a good occasion to find out. bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà) from 4 years Wednesday 20th December at 18h Sant Martí de Provençals Library Hall of Sant Martí Cultural Centre C/ de la Selva de Mar, 215 Barcelona 08020 ...

)babel( 0.1 – stories and languages
17/11/2017 - blog

How can a storyteller present stories to an audience from a different language? It is possible to make disappear the «translator’s» role? What happens when more than two languages come into play? And with more than two storytellers? How can this enrich our artwork?  How it will be received by a monolingual, bilingual, multilingual… audience? Do any formulas or recipes exist which can be explored or applied in our usual storytelling context? It may open storytelling to other areas? Is multilingual storytelling a world of possibilities, or just an utopia? ...

folktales with kamishibai
15/11/2017 - blog

In Japan, they say the kids used to rush out to the streets when they heard the cry of the street vendors selling candy. These people used to go from town to town with their kamishibai, a little wooden theater for telling stories. After having told one, or two, or even three and a half stories, and gathered the biggest audience, they offered their goodies.  I have not seen that, but I like to imagine it. Or even better, to play “as if” it happens, but here. Next week I will tell stories with a kamishibai, this new wooden companion that comes along with me ...

the best backup
22/10/2017 - blog

I have been some days with a computer failure and I wasn’t able to tell you about the next session before: it is as if we can’t do anything without those machines. Fortunately, folktales don’t need antivirus or backups: I count on you for that, because stories will be very safe if you told them again. And thanks to my brother Dani and his love for arts and crafts, I will also bring a bunch of bimbirimboies, with no additives nor added sugar, that we have been preparing digitally for all of you during this summer, while sharing jokes, laughter and ...

Stories in Diwali
17/10/2017 - blog

The Moon decides the exact day. It is celebrated on the new moon from October to November, namely in Amavasya, which means the moonless night, or the night of the dark moon. But darkness is not abundant during Diwali. On Diwali nights in India from ancient times thousand of oil lamps are lit to light up the way of the beloved ones, to begin a prosperous and auspicious year, to pray for the good of all. This year Diwali begins the 18th and finishes the 22th October, and it is a pleasure to celebrate it with my friends from the Indian Culture Centre. There will be dance, ...