september stories
24/09/2020 - blogLlegeix-me en Català
Léeme en Castellano
Sometimes clouds obscure the landscape hiding everything else from our sight. Luckily the tramuntana wind sends all these clouds away, discovering again the landscape. It is just a matter of time, as the prisoner in Constantinople says, on the folktale that will substitute virtually my presence on the Festival EVA, En Veu Alta, of this year. It is so important to remind audiences that there is plenty of brave artist trying to take forward many good cultural projects like this one, adapting to the situation with lots of creativity and enthusiasm.
The Prisoner in Constantinople (in Catalan)
«In 10 years anything could happen…» said the prisoner reassuring his friends. And even in a short time everything can happen, so it is worthwhile to see the course of time with optimism and keep an eye to the gifts that life can bring us.
For instance, this storytelling session at the Carles Fages de Climent Library in Figueres, which was initially planned for a performance about Narcís Monturiol, but due to an unexpected fact, I have been asked to tell stories with my humble kamishibai. I thank this distinguished inventor from Figueres, and on this stories we may see some water beings which he may well have seen inside his submarine, and others very powerful that maybe they were on the imaginary of the people of his time. Stories with a taste of salt, full of fantastic creatures from the Mediterranean as well as from colder and distant waters.
Good day… and good stories.
Saturday 26th September, 12h
bimbirimboo! sea stories with kamishibai
free activity with limited capacity and previous registration
Carles Fages de Climent Library
Plaça del Sol, 11
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