Travelling with Carles Fages de Climent
11/03/2018 - blogThe more I deepen in the work of the poet Carles Fages de Climent, the more synchronicities I discover. Lately he made me travel to the forest of my infancy through one of his poems: you can read a little article I wrote about it here (in Catalan).
Next Wednesday I propose you a new trip: a storytelling session inspired and accompanied by the poems and landscapes of Carles Fages de Climent. And the Latvian kokle also will join the party, so there will be stories, music, poems… and a mystery to be solved.
Wednesday 14th March from 20 to 21h
Ballad of the enchanted light
Language: Catalan
Fee: 6 € (beer or soft drink included)
Restaurant La Carassa
C/ Brosolí, 1
08003 Barcelona
Metro: Jaume I (L4)
Bus: 39, V15, V17
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