03/04/2018 - blogBimbirimboies arouse curiosity and whet your appetite: they told me that recently at Clarà Library, where many families left the session repeating this word, savouring it in their mouths. It is one of this words that you would like to say aloud and let it dissolve in the distance. Now they are approaching the Besòs district, so be attentive to the cry of «bimbirimboies!»
bimbirimboies! – folktales with kamishibai
storytelling session in Catalan (Alt Empordà)
from 4 years, free entrance
Friday 13th April at 18h
Ramon d’Alòs Moner Library
Rambla de Prim, 87-89
Barcelona 08019
Metro: Besòs Mar (L4)
Bus: 36, 143, B20, B23
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